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Writer's pictureFranco Cavaleri, BSc, Ph.Dc

Glucosamine diabetes risk? As seen in Vitalitie Quebec (Eng)

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Clinical Research Division Biologic Nutrigenomic Health Research Corp.

688-2397 King George Hwy, BC V4A 7E9

Research/Trial Director: Prof Franco Cavaleri BSc NB

Original post: January 1, 2011

Investigative report by Research Director Franco Cavaleri BSc NB

Since almost a decade ago, research has indicated a possible link between insulin inefficiency and glucosamine supplementation. Since then the controversy over whether or not glucosamine can contribute to insulin impediments and diabetes has been a topic of discussion that has escalated with the increasing use of the supplement.

Glucosamine has become so widely used to prevent joint disease that annual sales of the supplement have reached close to a billion dollars as per reports in 2009.

The controversial evidence indicating that this supplement might be an aggravator of the diabetic condition has yet again cycled into public awareness with more recent studies duplicating the historical results. Investigative trials at Biologic Health Research Corp have isolated the pathway that glucosamine, does in fact, influence and through this activity it may be posing its adverse action on insulin.

Glucosamine diabetes risk? As seen in Vitalitie Quebec (Eng)

However, this negative potential or side-effect of glucosamine may not be the huge risk that it`s been made out to be. The vulnerability may only be in those who have already developed mild to advanced insulin resistance or have been diagnosed with diabetes.

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is a pre-diabetic state. Diabetes is an advanced state of insulin resistance When we eat a meal, our pancreas manufactures and secretes insulin into the bloodstream to accompany the absorbed nutrients. Insulin triggers receptors on the insulin responsive cells causing them to open the cell surface gateways to allow blood sugar and other nutrients in for energy production and tissue and biochemical construction. When these receptors lose sensitivity to insulin and cannot respond to the hormone’s signal, a degree of insulin resistance has developed.

This desensitization results in an increase in pancreas workload as it needs to produce more insulin to get the job done. The type II diabetic state is characterized by a loss of as much as 65% of this insulin sensitivity. Prediabetic states, however, still present a health challenge that is rarely recognized but experienced as a nonspecific sluggish metabolism, poor energy, memory insufficiency, blood sugar mismanagement, poor body fat control, loss of lean muscle and even lower mental and physical performance potential.

As we age, insulin resistance tends to advance and the development of this metabolic sluggishness is also compounded by lifestyle choices such as a processed and refined high glycemic index diet, sedentary lifestyle and even common environmental toxins like pesticides that might be concentrated in food. These choices may even take us beyond mere resistance to insulin impediments reflective of the type II diabetic state.

Why the conflicting opinions on glucosamine’s influence?

In individuals where lifestyle, genetic predisposition and age are all contributing to insulin desensitization and diabetes, the addition of high glucosamine levels to the diet to treat osteoarthritis may be too much for a system trying to cope. Healthier insulin activity in the younger individual with a healthier lifestyle might not be negatively affected by the added glucosamine strain. These variances amongst us all contribute to the conflicting results reported by researchers.

Glucosamine diabetes risk? As seen in Vitalitie Quebec (Eng)

However, one thing remains constant. Individuals who require glucosamine supplementation to treat osteoarthritis are usually well into adulthood and close to or well into senior years. As a result insulin resistance is likely in an advanced state especially if lifestyle factors (less than healthy) have compounded the natural age-related decline. In these individuals, ongoing high doses of glucosamine supplementation could very well be an aggravator to an already strained situation.

What’s the solution?

Glucosamine supplements present formidable health benefits to those who need them as a reactive treatment for advanced arthritic conditions. They`re a better alternative to common NSAIDs or corticosteroid drugs if the alternative works for the individual. They’re also fantastic preventive supplements that can be used daily to prevent the onset of premature joint disease for those of us who are physically active or are vulnerable to joint illness due to genetic or other predispositions. The functional glucosamine solution that reduces the discussed risks is in using a properly formulated glucosamine supplement that provides powerful synergy built into the formula so that smaller amounts of glucosamine can deliver the result.

Glucosamine diabetes risk? As seen in Vitalitie Quebec (Eng)

The latest joint health technology to hit the billion dollar category is a natural eggshell membrane glucosamine that is showing in the laboratory and in real life to provide incredible results with standard setting small doses. Just one small 500 mg pill per day. The potency is ultimately based on the remarkable synergy of the natural compounds found in the silky, rubbery membrane that lines the inner face of the eggshell. You’ll recall peeling away the membrane from your boiled egg.

The glucosamine from whole eggshell membrane is not isolated or reacted but rather allowed to exist in its natural matrix containing NAG, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, sulfur, chondroitin as well as collagen and other proteins essential for healthy connective tissue. The research indicates that supplementing with the undisturbed eggshell membrane, these connective tissue building blocks might be more efficiently absorbed. Whatever the mode of action, the clinical results for therapy demonstrate irrefutably noticeable results from much lower doses.

Clinical research using doses of one 500 mg pill per day of this very eggshell membrane powder demonstrates therapeutic results in just 10 days for most in the test group and as long as 30 days for more difficult cases.

Glucosamine diabetes risk? As seen in Vitalitie Quebec (Eng)

The next question you have to answer for yourself is whether or not insulin resistance has advanced in you and to what degree. These tests can be done to determine insulin efficiency but usually the clinical diagnosis is an ‘all or none’ diagnosis for type II diabetes. Despite what your insulin health currently is, it makes a lot of sense to simply use a glucosamine source that will have the least intrusive influence on the body at any stage of life.

Eggshell membrane supplies a matrix of important connective tissue building blocks that support more than just joint health. It supports skin, bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and more. In addition, to the preventive structure and function support, eggshell membrane delivers potent therapeutic anti-inflammatory activity. And it does so without the same risks associated with long term high doses of typical purified and reacted glucosamine sources. Eggshell membrane seems to be the better preventive choice for active individuals and definitely the safest therapeutic choice for ailing arthritics.


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