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Curcumin BDM30™ supports improved recovery rate from training all the way to the first place podium

Writer's picture: Franco Cavaleri, BSc, Ph.DcFranco Cavaleri, BSc, Ph.Dc

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Imagine being able to get into the gym to train a body part more frequently than your competition can.

Original post: December 19, 2017

Curcumin BDM30™ supports improved recovery rate from training all the way to the first place podium

(Franco Cavaleri PhDc Mr IFBB North America 1992) Imagine being able to get into the gym to train a body part more frequently than your competition can. What does that mean to you in six months of steady training? Imagine recovering faster from a stage-to-stage or day-to-day workload in your competitive sport such as a cycling tour; a triathlon competition; or an all weekend cross-fit event. The advantage is possible with Curcumin BDM30™

Curcumin BDM30™ supports improved recovery rate from training all the way to the first place podium

(Franco Cavaleri PhDc Mr IFBB North America 1992) Research demonstrates that myogenic potential and anabolic drive can be limited by mismanaged NF-kB. NF-kB is a transcription factor responsible for regulating as many as 150 genes that manage and beckon the immune system and inflammatory response. Anabolic drive and recovery of lean muscle is meticulously orchestrated by the cytokines that NF-kB manages, including TNFα. TNFα partakes in and advances inflammation that is necessary for recovery and restoration but can also be a limiting factor in your pursuit to maximum form. The inflammatory process plays an important role in recovery and regeneration of tissue, including myogenesis (muscle generation). Skeletal muscle cells are said to be one of the most adaptable cells/tissue of the body. The underlying objective with resistance training, for example, is to evoke microtrauma of the working skeletal muscle cells resulting in cell signalling that activates satellite cells in the vicinity of the strained fiber. This activation prompts aggregation and fusing of these cells with mature muscle fibers. This is the compensatory hypertrophy we expect to occur as an adaptation feature to the extra-ordinary workload by the workout, adding muscle mass and strength over time.

That prolonged soreness that often persists to the next training day, however, is a problem. Prolonged survival of that post-workout soreness is indicative of longstanding TNFα and more generally, inflammation. If prolonged, inflammation can interfere with maximum recovery potential. This translates into interference with your personal potential.

Curcumin BDM30™ supports improved recovery rate from training all the way to the first place podium

(Franco Cavaleri PhDc Mr IFBB North America 1992) Research shows TNFα inhibits myogenesis the mechanism of which is repression of MyoD protein. MyoD expression is central to cell restoration and differentiation – it’s essential to the generation of muscle tissue. Prolonged survival of the inflammatory process to inhibit MyoD protein interferes with recovery, immunity and myogenic (muscle building) potential. Downregulation of training-related and age-related inflammatory activity has both an anticatabolic influence and promotes anabolic drive to restore maximum muscle protein anabolism.

During my climb up the bodybuilding ladder I was fortunate enough to enjoy win after win from junior events all the way past national to international events – Mr. IFBB North America (1992). This includes the overall title of most shows in which I competed. Many things factor into such championship form including nutrition strategy; training tactics; genetic propensity; raw drive and determination; intuition to evolve strategies and more. Since every competitor is aiming every boon at their disposal at a championship outcome you need to apply everything you can muster. Every tool at your disposal must be put in play to contribute to the edge you may need to stretch past second place to first. In addition, there’s often very little separating first from third so everything counts; and every little factor counts that much more the higher you climb.

Curcumin BDM30™ supports improved recovery rate from training all the way to the first place podium

How much my anti-inflammatory strategy contributed to the championship outcome for me is hard to quantify based on the fact that there are so many variables at play. My experience and my gut tell me it played a significant role. However, today our research is also uncovering mechanisms that may support the curcumin load scientifically. In fact, based on the subcellular activity induced by these curcuminoid fractions that our laboratory has been able to demystify; and that which is now also available in the literature I would not do things differently if I were to repeat the journey. There is much work to be done to further clarify this activity; nevertheless, what we now know is irrefutable. I take BDM30™ and BDM50™ abundantly today to stay in the zone and consistent with my training at 50 years of age.

Although curcumin can deliver an inhibitory effect on NF-kB transactivation and transcription of inflammatory cytokines, including TNFα, the new discoveries at Biologic Pharmamedical Research ( showing MSK1 inhibition by BDMC (Curcumin III) changes the game. Curcumin BDM30™ is a result of these discoveries and it stops inflammation by inhibiting two proteins (NF-kB and MSK1) associated with the genesis of inflammation instead of one protein. Regular curcumin 95% typically only inhibits one (NF-kB) and does so mildly. Investing the time and effort into training to improve health and advance performance requires the best return possible. Imagine again being able to get into the gym to train a body part or work a training cycle more frequently than your competition can. Imagine again, maximising MyoD expression and anabolic drive. This time get with the program to make it happen with the patented Curcumin BDM30™ taken daily just before or after the workout. If you don’t, someone you know will likely beat you to it and may even do so to the first place podium.

Conflict of Interest Statement. The author/researcher is the owner of a biomedical research group – Biologic Nutrigenomics Health Research Corp and Biologic Pharmamedical Research, that funds and executes research on the pharmacology of nutritional and nutraceutical agents that are studied in the context of disease pathology including characteristics that have been associated with inflammation and dementias. The research on these findings continues at clinical levels to further investigate the full indication-specific potential of this discovery. The author/researcher is also the owner of related Intellectual Properties. author copyright Franco Cavaleri PhDc

Franco Cavaleri, BSc, PhDc, is The Rhema Group’s Chief Science Officer. He is also the principal research scientist at Biologic Pharmamedical; is a former Mr. IFBB North America; and is completing a doctoral degree in Experimental Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine.

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