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Chromium Status of the aging baby boomer and how it relates to insulin resistance and depression

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Blended excerpts from Potential Within A Guide to Nutritional Empowerment

Authored by Franco Cavaleri ISBN 0-9731701-0-7

Original post: February 23, 2011

This article is composed of multiple excerpts to result in tone and content shifts and reference numbering that may be out of order.

Chromium Status of the aging baby boomer and how it relates to insulin resistance and depression

Chromium supplementation can ameliorate dysthimic depression disorder. Dysthimic depression is a mild illness that persists for decades, starting early in life. It’s characterized by a gloomy, pessimistic, humorless personality. The individual is usually an introvert displaying extreme scepticism, self-reproach, and significant lack of libido. One could say these are common traits in any normal individual from time to time, but in the long run these emotional disturbances impair personal growth and often develop into deeper depressive states and impaired social integration.

Chromium is now known to potentiate the effects of common pharmaceutical drugs such as sertraline, which is used to treat this condition. The result of the integrated approach for treatment is a remarkably lower dose requirement of the drug and consequently reduced side effects (80). In my consultation experience, chromium supplementation has delivered significant emotional enhancement on its own and with even better results with the right dietary program. Ageless Performance can be more potent than drug therapy for disorders such as dysthimic depression. The program corrects the metabolic damage that gives rise to the need for drugs. The absorption of chromium is often disrupted in the elderly since hydrochloric-acid secretions in the gut are frequently limited.

Chromium Status of the aging baby boomer and how it relates to insulin resistance and depression

I’ve mentioned this impairment a few times. It must be taken seriously, because even minute absorption deficiencies could result in considerable metabolic consequences that lead to physical and psychological impediments that are usually treated with drugs unnecessarily. It’s clear these mild gastrointestinal deficiencies can propagate insulin resistance, since multiple factors that support insulin are undermined by pH anomalies. Regular use of antacids will also contribute to the same dysfunctional nutrient absorption. Alkaline is opposite to acidic. An acid-poor gut impairs the absorption of glutathione, glutathione-supportive protein, cysteine, NAC, chromium, and the B vitamins, all of which support insulin efficiency. Concurrently an acid-poor gut promotes carbohydrate digestion, which enhances the glycemic impact of a meal. Carbohydrates require alkaline environments for optimal digestion. If this acid-deficiency condition persists, food induces a higher glycemic impact on the body than expected and a multiple-disease state is the unfortunate outcome.

Chromium Status of the aging baby boomer and how it relates to insulin resistance and depression

This acid impairment of the gut coupled with a processed diet that strips chromium and other vital elements from foods can spur the development of diseases associated with old age, diseases that proliferate at an exponential rate with the mere induction of hydrochloric-acid deficiency. Studies demonstrate that chromium status in the body declines steadily as we age.


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