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Writer's pictureFranco Cavaleri, BSc, Ph.Dc

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Original post: December 14, 2010

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

The food which our world has cultivated has evolved over millions of years and the creatures that inhabit our planet have been crafted, in large part, based on this food chemistry. Yet in the blink of an eye the “progress” of commercialism has altered this essential sustenance to a new standard that our bodies do not recognize completely.

Processed food is generally higher in glycemic index (ability to raise blood sugar) than whole food producing that sugar strain on our metabolism that is fostering epidemic proportions of insulin resistance, diabetes and other disorders now linked to sugar intolerance. Nutrients in this manipulated nourishment are delivered in proportions foreign to our metabolism, damaged and even inactivated, altering a whole food chemistry which our metabolic activity was designed to depend on. The inevitable consequence of this incompatibility is disease.

Nutrients are now known to modulate genetic activity

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Aging itself is a degenerative condition that human interference accelerates. We’re quick to blame genetic predisposition for age-related diseases but recently discovered facts have shown otherwise. The discovery of powerful genetic influences by nutrients as common as vitamin C has opened a scientific window into our new age diseases that has revolutionized how modern health care providers and consumers think about food and nutrient supplementation. Specialized vanadium compounds, for example, are now known to activate gene systems responsible for the regeneration of glucose transport sites to completely reverse the type II diabetic state in humans and other mammals including dogs and cats. Could it be that our new-age diet does not meet the requisite levels of these activation nutrients limiting the potential of our built-in regenerative systems?

Similarly, the cells responsible for generation of collagen and cartilage of joints can be resuscitated through nutrient stimulation that penetrates much deeper and more effectively than common glucosamine supplementation – as deep as the cell‟s genes. Vitamin A has also been recently recognized as a regulator of the gene responsible for transcribing IGF-1. In other words, low vitamin A status in the body results in a decline in the gene activity responsible for growth hormone.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Vitamin A induces various other genes such as those involved in intestinal health and it modulates the genes engaged in hepatic gluconeogenesis to influence blood sugar status. A variety of amino acids modify genetic expression, as well and selenium and zinc also affect gene modulation. Nutrients are gene modulators and a lack of nutrition impairs our natural ability to prevent disease.

All of these examples are referenced with irrefutable scientific evidence in the book, Potential Within.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Some of BNHR philosophies and findings presented in book with 650 references

Based on this latest research it‟s clear that nutritional status of the body influences biological aging and the epidemics we blame on the „passing of time‟ are, for the most part, reversible if the body is to receive the tools it was designed to utilize. Food is designed to meet much more than energy and tissue building block demands. Metabolic cofactors and hormonal activators are built right into the natural food supply to elicit exact hormonal cascades with every mouthful. We‟ve all experienced the drug-like euphoria that within seconds overcomes us upon consuming a double chocolate, creamy fat filled, carbohydrate rich donut. The drug-like, hormone alteration keeps us coming back for more. Food has a powerful drug-like influence over the body; altered food, has a powerfully unnatural influence on the body.

You can no longer blame genetics for your state of health Genetic modulation by nutrients is one major reason we can experience health and fitness or disease and death from the same gene pool. People are altering family patterns by breaking the cycle of diabetes, chronic inflammation, obesity, and other ailments as a result of this new-age research. If you have not considered these research-proven applications, it’s time to better inform yourself. With this knowledge you can literally flick genetic switches on and off to almost immediately burn more fat, restore glucose control, and put out the inflammatory fires that may be making your life miserable. These strategies are delivered in an easy to read format and supported by an abundance of scientific evidence in the book, Potential Within. This book addresses human health but you can also apply the same strategies to enhance the wellness and longevity of your fury companion.

Dry kibble food is designed for our own convenience

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Some of BNHR research and findings presented in heavily referenced book

Traditional pet food production destroys biological activity and contains many of the chemical byproducts of processing that impose metabolic havoc. It is not surprising that the educated consumer is now applying human health strategies to their pets. And guess what, without altering genetic profile, the breed-specific, or genetic diseases are not surfacing. Traditional kibble formulations are assaulting the genetic functions of companion animals just like processed foods are in humans. Dry kibble food, no matter how well it is processed is denatured. Denaturation results from high heat and extreme acid or alkali processing methods common to kibble manufacturing. As discussed in Your Dogs Health, he nutrient destruction resulting from processing includes much more than the destruction of vitamins, phytonutrients and vital minerals.

Essential fatty acids are critical membrane and hormone building blocks and they too, are easily damaged. Without these precious fatty acids, hormone systems become imbalanced and life-supportive biochemical feedback mechanisms are thrown out of line. This desolation is the first step toward common chronic diseases such as inflammation, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disorders and others in humans as well as our pets. For this reason, nutraceuticals in supplemental form have become powerful therapies-orthomolecular therapies that often compensate for decades of administering deficient nourishment.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Imagine eating dry boxed cereal for every meal of your day. Even if nutrients were to be added back to the dry food, as they are in our common breakfast cereals, the active nutrients would have to combat the metabolic dysfunction caused by the damaged, unbalanced nourishment of the processed food. This damage is the main reason our children are fatter and more „attention-compromised‟ than ever.

The nutrient impairment includes the development of well documented protein complexes like the lysino-alanine complex which becomes non-digestible in processed food reducing the bio-availability (absorption and metabolism) of protein building blocks.

Recent research demonstrates that formation of the lysino-alanine complex, induced by typical protein processing methods, contributes to growth retardation, interference with neurological development, impairment of general protein assimilation, increased hepatic (liver) work, and deposits in the kidneys to interrupt renal operation. Both human and veterinary health care professionals are only recently becoming aware of the correlation. Glycosylated protein complexes are another category of nutrient damage caused by processing and long-term shelf storage of the altered food.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

These glycosylated protein complexes (carbohydrate + protein) impair protein digestion and absorption and are well documented to induce other metabolic disorders. They cause neurological, liver and kidney damage and raise free radical (oxidative toxicity) load on the body.

What’s a free radical? A free radical, very simply, is a toxic compound that tends to snip away at healthy tissue, essential biochemicals and genetic codes. The environment is denser today with free radicals than ever before. To combat this toxicity humans and animals require more antioxidants in their diets. Not only does food processing destroy these very delicate antioxidants it generally increases the free radical load in the food and then in the body – a compounding negative influence. Free radicals are now known to impose alterations on genetic function such as accelerated activity of the genes which pump out inflammatory and blood clotting hormones and this differs immensely from the gene mutation we understood in the past.

Caring for your pet – the first line of defense

The most valuable loving care we can give our loyal companions is to feed natural, biologically active nourishment.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Whole, fresh, raw food is biologically active. Quality brands of kibble dog food often offer protein-reduced kibble for animals with kidney disorders. Old School manufacturers of dry kibble pet food say their research indicates that the kidney functions with greater efficiency when lower protein content is fed.

However, veterinarians „in the know‟ often instruct consumers to add whole egg to supplement the „Protein-Reduced‟ feed’s protein content when it‟s administered to kidney impaired animals. The real reason for this contradicting instruction is that the kidney will function with greater efficiency when the kibble’s damaged, poor protein quality is replaced with the higher quality protein (higher biological value rating) of the unprocessed fresh egg source. These recommendations send an interesting underlying message crunching the fallacy that kibble is the food source of choice.

Although most animals, like humans, can tolerate a dietary strain for many years, the body eventually becomes less resilient to processed nourishment over time. Mental or physical stress causes the body lose its ability to tolerate a nutritional strain.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

Environmental change, competition, emotional strain, loneliness, physical and mental trauma, and even the natural aging process are stressors. Combinations of these stressors compound to further reduce an animal‟s ability to tolerate food strains; it‟s no different for you and me. It takes a strong predisposition to tolerate the ongoing strain imposed by processed food. As multiple stress factors pile up, resilience gives way and as people and their pets age, tolerance to these factors declines even further. As we age our ability to produce endogenous (internal) antioxidants weakens and this contributes to a greater predisposition to disease as well.

We can take charge

The good news is that not only can the nutritional strain be removed; we can raise the level of resilience through proper nutrition. Whole, fresh, frozen, raw food is the pet food that some pet owners are relying on today – food that was designed by millions of years of natural evolution to support a meticulously crafted biological system. However, raw food is still deficient in many of the nutrients required to combat today‟s unnaturally higher level of free radical and other toxicities. Raw food still presents many of the common chemicals such as hormones, antibiotic and pesticide chemicals that are difficult to avoid. Food borne toxins and a higher environmental toxicity must be met with a higher nutrient density than whole food alone can deliver and this applies to both humans and our companions.

For most of us, feeding raw may present a problem as it requires some knowledge, a little more time and care.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

The addition of quality supplementation which delivers active essential fats, vitamins and minerals in the right proportions for our companions ensures that a raw food diet is complete. Using a supplement source which incorporates the above described nutrient-gene research is an even better choice. A quality kibble line is acceptable as a second choice to raw but this requires supplementation despite the claims that these foods are fortified. The activity added by way of fortification of these processed foods is quickly destroyed by the research-proven nutrient interactions, antagonism and oxidation that processing and shelf storage cause. Adding fresh, biologically active supplemental nutrition to each meal combats the ill-effects of the dry, kibble pet food and allows your pet to extract any benefits of the dry food.

Putting the Crunch on Processed Kibble Food Maximizing the quality of your loyal companion's life

This revitalizes your companion, reducing the risk for disease while expediting recovery if disease is active. At Biologic Nutrigenomic Health Research Corp. we‟ve seen the experimental results of improved health with the application of these supplemental strategies.

Today pet owners throughout North America are experiencing life-changing results with the application these same strategies for pet and human health initiatives. Decrease in pet ailments means fewer visits to the vet‟s office and reduced veterinary bills. Supplementation of our pet‟s as well as our own diets is valuable; the science supporting it is irrefutable. The choice is yours; pay a little now with a healthier diet or pay a lot later. Your companion‟s health and longevity is now in your hands.


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