Clinical Research Division Biologic Nutrigenomic Health Research Corp.
688-2397 King George Hwy, BC V4A 7E9 www.biologicpharmamedical.com
Research/Trial Director: Prof Franco Cavaleri BSc NB
Original post: September 9, 2010

Since joint disease can intrude on physical activity and active lifestyle, joint disease can contribute to obesity and insulin resistance which, in turn, advances the inflammatory cascade stemming from induction of COX and the ensuing PGE2 synthesis. Prior research initiatives at Biologic Health Research have unveiled irrefutable proof that insulin resistance also advances by other spontaneous factors such as biological age and it can also be worsened by long term high dose glucosamine administration. The latest findings on glucosamine in the scientific community have been conflictive about glucosamine’s adverse influence on glucose tolerance and insulin resistance. Since glucosamine has become so widely used to prevent joint disease and treat advanced morbidity annual sales of the supplement have reached close to a billion dollars as per reports in 2009. As a result of the prolific use, safety and efficacy uncertainties must be further investigated.
Irrefutable evidence duplicated and validated at Biologic Health Research in previous investigative trials show that glucosamine does, in fact, have an effect on the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway in glucose-induced insulin resistance. Since joint disease is more common in the aged population, the factors that advance insulin resistance such as age, obesity, lack of physical activity, and even glucosamine supplementation can all compound the problem for these adults and seniors. These additive metabolic influences can reach a point in the patients’ treatment that is insurmountable. Prolific use of glucosamine warrants further evaluation of safety and justification of concomitant nutraceutical ingredients that circumvent these proven metabolic interferences.
The objective of the clinical trial at Biologic Health Research is to demonstrate that concomitant treatment of joint disease with glucosamine, chondrocyte activators as well as treatment of insulin resistance improves interruption of the disease cycle and improves the course of treatment of what is believed by our investigators to be a true ‘syndrome’ by scientific definition. If these two metabolic pathways (insulin activity & chondrocyte proteoglycan synthesis and the related inflammation) are found to be linked and influenced by glucosamine as suggested in the previous discussion, then the concurrent treatment of both the metabolic and structural syndromes is justifiable for the: i) Prevention of further joint damage ii) Improvement of connective tissue restoration iii) Reduction in the risk or rate of insulin resistance progression to clinical stages of type II diabetes iv) Improvement of lifestyle for reduced risk of obesity and insulin resistance. v) Improvement of glucosamine efficacy at lower doses. vi) Better understanding of glucosamine’s role and secondary effects vii) Clearer understanding of systemic implications of insulin resistance
This study premise is being duplicated in canine trials with slight modifications of the formulation design to accommodate for previous researched physiological, biochemical and metabolic differences and through the multi-species application we may be able to find a more clinically meaningful interpretation of the study results.
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#JointDisease #InsulinResistance #Glucosamine #ChondrocyteActivators #MetabolicInfluences #ClinicalTrials #MedicalResearch #BiologicHealth #AgingPopulation #Type2Diabetes #ObesityRisk #DiseaseCycle #Inflammation #PreventionStrategies #Nutraceuticals #TreatmentSyndrome #MetabolicSyndromes #HealthScience #BiologicalResearch #ClinicalMeaning