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A1 vs. A2 Beta Casein: The Hidden Difference in Dairy Proteins

A1 vs. A2 Beta Casein: The Hidden Difference in Dairy Proteins

Not all milk proteins are created equal. Your milk choice may be causing obesity and diabetes. In this insightful discussion, Franco Cavaleri sheds light on the complex world of dairy proteins.

Plant-Based Dilemma: Trading Protein for Glycemic Index

As concerns about dairy protein-induced allergies and inflammation rise, many turn to plant-based dairy substitutes. While these alternatives often boast lower protein content, their high glycemic index adds another layer to the milk protein debate.

Decoding Dairy Proteins: The Case of Beta Casein

Franco delves into the intricate world of dairy proteins, specifically highlighting the role of beta casein. Notably, there are two types: A1 beta casein and A2 beta casein. The focus narrows on A1 beta casein, prevalent in North American dairy due to inbreeding practices aimed at boosting milk production.

The North American Conundrum: A1 Beta Casein and Health Risks

Cattle selectively bred for high milk volume in North America inadvertently contribute to elevated A1 beta casein levels. Research suggests a connection between A1 beta casein and inflammatory responses, paving the way for potential links to type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Global Perspectives: A2 Beta Casein and Lower Health Risks

Contrastingly, in regions like Asia and Australia, where cows aren't selectively bred for maximum milk production, A1 beta casein levels remain lower. Consequently, these areas display a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity, challenging the assumed universal health benefits of dairy.

Franco's Insight: A1 Beta Casein and Unseen Consequences

Franco emphasizes that the inflammatory response, obesity, and diabetes associated with A1 beta casein are often overlooked. His research-based article stirred controversy, but it unravels the hidden risks in North American milk.

"It's based on facts; it's based on research. The A1 beta casein loaded milk of North America creates an incremental risk for inflammatory activity, obesity, and diabetes."

As the controversy surrounding dairy proteins unfolds, consumers are urged to make informed choices. Understanding the nuances of A1 and A2 beta casein allows for more conscious decisions regarding dairy consumption.

For a comprehensive exploration of this topic, watch the full video on YouTube and explore additional resources at

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